
Teachers' comments:
It has provided an avenue for children to channel their energies as an extra curricular activity; it gives children of all ages and background a sense of belonging; it has boosted children's self-esteem as several of them teach others the game or encourage others to learn it. It has improved children's attention span, thinking skills, patience and discipline. Need high school programs for kids to go into after primary
Amelie May,  Teacher, St. Joseph, Belize City    

Learn to appreciate each other more, knowledge gained be one about chess is passed on to another person, performance in school improved, behavior has changed more than it was, participate more actively in other related school events/functions. The initiative started is highly recommended to continue and chess must/should last a lifetime.  I believe chess is touching a child's life forever.  I also wish to applaud BNYCF for tremendous effort in implementing this idea to improve children's lives
Rudolfo Shal, Teacher, Little Flower Forest Home, Toledo         

The children who participate have shown great skills and their self-confidence have grown.  Their peers also look up to them. Chess is a great way to get children fully involved with their peers as well as allowing an opportunity to interact with others.
Sandra Bales, Little Flower RC, Toledo      
Has brought improvement of student’s performance and has help to discipline children. Children's attitude toward education took positive tremendous change. This program is very relevant to children education, we need to be taught how to integrate them into other subject areas or perhaps become part of the curriculum in Belize --(teaches std 2-6)
Domingo Salam, Teacher, San Francisco De Jeronimo RC, Pueblo Viejo, Toledo  
Children are more focused, they show interest in their school work and they are better disciplined
Mrs. Ramirez, St. Joseph, Belize City

Principals' comments: 
Chess club has brought better performance in the Mathematic subject and is integrating well with the curriculum.  We have seen growth and development in our students.  Self confident and self-esteem has develop tremendously. There has been also a change in discipline and attitude.  Chess club is now used as an incentive.  Children's performance academically has improved. We here at St. Barnabas Anglican are very appreciative for this chess program to come into our school.  Continue the great work and looking forward for chess workshop for teachers.  We are supporting this club 100%.
Joyce E. Shaw, Principal,  St. Barnabas Anglican, Cayo

The students who are members of the chess club have shown an increase in self esteem.  As an alternative activity it has help them to be more responsible and disciplined.
Vivianni Teul, Principal, Succotz R.C., San Jose Succotz, Cayo  
Children in the chess club are more focused. They look forward throughout the day to play chess and are very much motivated in school work.  Children are eager to compete with other schools in order to test out their skill in playing chess.
Hortence Guzman, Garden City Primary, Belmopan        

Children are always ready and on time, have learnt to be well behaved, learn to control their emotion and feelings, have become problem solvers, with academics learn to think and never give up too easy. Their work has improved tremendously,
Evagrio Bol, San Vicente RC, San Vicente , Toledo      
There have been numerous benefits; building team spirit, teamwork in doing fund raising activities, improvement in the skills of creative writing, neatness in doing class work, completion of assignments, punctuality; coming to school earlier. Use of time more wisely; playing chess after doing a task instead of just playing around. Topics and lessons should be included in the national syllabus (national curriculum)
Pedro Tush, Principal, San Francisco RC, Pueblo Viejo, Toledo

Discipline problems have decreased among students.  They have developed social and academic skills.  Their attitude towards peers and work has improved. The chess club has increased at our school.  We intend to involve more teachers in the program so that they can assist the present coach.  On the other hand, it will help them to develop some strategies.
Julieta Paquiul, Principal, Little Flower RC, Toledo